The Engineer eLearning Center is owned and operated by eMETA Learning Solutions, a company located in Vancouver, Canada; Founder and President Geran Capewell.
Geran Capewell began his career as a project manager providing production management services for major corporations plus the Canadian, US and UK governments.
In 2008 Geran formed eMETA Learning Solutions creating one of the first Learning Management Systems dedicated exclusively to the online delivery and management of professional development, continuing education and training courses. https://www.emetalearning.com
Using the eMETA LMS, for the past 15 years eMETA has been delivering and managing continuing education courses for architects and engineers, first through the Canadian Wood Council, a government/industry-based organization and now for the Engineering Institute of Canada. https://eic-ici.ca/elearning/
eMETA’s experience in delivering quality courses to engineers has culminated in the creation of the Engineering eLearning Center.
The launch of the Engineer eLearning Center is in recognition of the profound impact the core technologies of Internet of Things, Big Data, Immersive Realities and Artificial Intelligence are having on all fields of engineering, and the decided lack of easily accessible and affordable resources available to educate engineers on how these technologies are being applied to specific projects in engineering.
The four technologies, Internet of Things, Big Data, Immersive Reality and Artificial Intelligence are revolutionizing the engineering landscape.
In addition, these technologies are evolving at an exponential rate requiring engineers to constantly update their knowledge to maintain best practises for their clients.
eMETA Mini Courses are short, inexpensive, online, self-directed courses designed to provide engineers with a clear, concise understanding of how these technologies are being applied in different fields of engineering.
To ensure our courses are fully up to date with the latest developments in these technologies we author our courses using Artificial Intelligence, input from qualified industry professionals and tutorials from technology companies and institutions developing IoT, Big Data, Immersive Realities and AI for engineering applications.
We launched our site in March 2024 with a four-part series “Emerging Technologies, The Future of Engineering” These courses provide an introductory foundation for all courses eMETA will be publishing in the future. We therefore recommend that if you are an engineer unfamiliar with these technologies or wish to update your knowledge of these technologies, you take these courses before proceeding with other eMETA courses.
All eMETA courses qualify for both unstructured technical learning credits and structured technical learning credits recognized by most US State Engineer Regulatory Organizations and all Canadian Provincial and Territorial Engineering Regulatory Organizations.
All eMETA courses provide insights into the future application of emerging technologies in engineering. We are also constantly updating our courses with postings about the latest development of the rapidly evolving technologies of IoT, Big Data, Immersive Realities and AI as they relate to the topic of the course. Those enrolled in the course will have ongoing free access to these postings.
In addition, every month eMETA will be publishing new courses on the application of Internet of Things, Big Data, Immersive Realities and Artificial Intelligence in different sectors of engineering. To receive updates on new courses subscribe to our emailing list below.
You will also receive notice of our free online trimester newsletter "Emerging Technologies in Engineering" containing valuable articles by industry experts on new developments in the application of these technologies in engineering.
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